感谢以下校友对本次百年校庆海外庆典的帮助及对波士顿校友会的长期支持 Questions? Contact us at donation@tsinghua-boston.org Shihying Lee (李诗颖 土木40) Peter Deng (邓沛涛 汽车87) & Huiqin Yuan (袁慧琴 生医87) Song Han (韩松 计算机92) Chin Liu (刘钦彦 精仪96) Xiaozhong
您的捐款将按照您的指定,用于校友会的日常运行、或者清华贫困学生励学金。 By check 请在支票上指明用途: THAA-Boston operations and/or THU student scholarship Payable to THAA-Boston Mail to CFO Please consult your contact at THAA-Boston or donation@tsinghua-boston.org for the address. By